July Updates

Real Estate & Living Updates

Home sales spike in Houston for first time since pandemic began.

Buyers closed on 2,401 homes during the week ended June 1, a 50 percent jump over the same period a year earlier, new data from the Houston Association of Realtors show.  -keep reading-

How the Coronavirus is Changing Home Design.

Outdoor Spaces, True Home Offices Dominate New Wish Lists. When moving out of that starter house or the millennial apartment into a family home of your own, you might find that your needs have changed since the start of COVID-19, when many of your habits shifted. -keep reading-

Take a Peek Inside the Astros’ Training Camp.

The Astros continue their summer workouts in preparation for their July 24 opening game with the Seattle Mariners. -keep reading-

Quarantine Queen - A Painting to Support COVID-19 Relief

Together we can make a difference!. -keep reading-

Monthly Video
What Can Staging Do For You?
Staging Makes a Difference!
On the Market
Take a Look at What is Available.
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August Updates


June Updates